Victory Kids

At Victory, we know Children are the future.

Creating a fun and safe environment for our children to grow and learn together is paramount at Victory. Each Sunday, your children will learn a foundational principle from the Bible, have a time of arts and crafts and of course, time to play. We encourage parents to interact with their children in our giant jungle gym after the service. After all, play is so important to development.

Adult and children in children’s Church

Proverbs 22:6

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Where our Kids Meet:

Ages 0-2

will be held in our Garden Nursery

3 years of age

will be in our Wee Warriors Room

Ages 4-12

will meet in our Play facility

Solomon’s Castle is an indoor kids play center.

With a variety of play equipment offering children a safe, clean place to run around and have fun! Located at our church.